ECTRIMS-kongressen 2024: Presenterer Norge som studieland
I forbindelse med at verdens største MS-kongress ECTRIMS arrangeres i København i september, inviterer NorTrials og samarbeidspartnere til nok et møte for representanter fra internasjonal helsenæring og norsk spesialisthelsetjeneste.
Møtet finner sted 19. september 2024 ved Den norske ambassaderesidensen i København (Valeursvej 6, 2900 Hellerup) kl. 19.30-21.30.
Meld din interesse innen 6. september.
ECTRIMS-konferansen er en viktig møteplass for alle som jobber med forskning og behandling av multippel sklerose (MS) og MS-relaterte sykdommer. Konferansen samler anslagsvis 9000 mennesker fra hele verden.
Målet med NorTrials-møtet som arrangeres ved ambassadresidensen i forbindelse med konferansen, er at representanter for den globale legemiddelindustrien og norske klinikere kan møtes, slik at flere kliniske studier på MS-feltet kan legges til norske sykehus.
Pioneering precision medicine and next generation clinical trials in a public healthcare system
Come meet a united coalition from Norway’s healthcare system and healthcare industry to discuss Norway’s
ambitious strategic plan to further strengthen Norway as a country of excellence in the field of clinical trials.
Place: The Norwegian Embassy Residence in Copenhagen (Valeursvej 6, 2900 Hellerup)
Time: 19 September 2024, 19:30-21:30 (7:30-9:30 pm)
The Norwegian Ministry of health has launched an ambitious strategic plan to strengthen Norway as a country
of excellence for clinical trials. In collaboration with the industry, NorTrials as a national entry point for global
companies wishing to conduct clinical trials in Norway, is established.
Norway offers:
Representatives from the Norwegian Embassy, NorTrials, the healthcare industry, key-opinion leaders from the clinical side and Innovation Norway will meet and discuss how choosing Norway as a preferred clinical trials hosting country will strengthen the pipeline execution and strategic clinical trial development.
Please join and listen to our experts presenting the clinical trials strategy of the future.
To register your interest, please complete the form within the 6 September 2024.