Seminar with Adrian Towse from Office of Health Economics in London
Co-hosted by BMS and Novartis
England is at the forefront of health economic science. BI Norwegian Business School has invited professor emeritus Adrian Towse as the keynote speaker in our first seminar targeting an audience within academia, public sector, industry and the healthcare community. Professor Towse headlines the seminar by addressing the role of uncertainty in assessing advanced therapies. Advanced therapies offer new treatment options for patients with rare and severe diseases, but clinical trials will often leave greater uncertainty regarding the magnitude of health benefits. How should greater uncertainty and the lack of more standardized evidence affect the health economic assessments (HTA) of these therapies? How should governments and health care providers approach the financial sustainability of this development?
These are some of the key issues that will be discusses during this seminar – both in an international (UK) and Norwegian context.
Confirmed speakers
Adrian Towse – Professor Emeritus Office of Health Economics
Dag Morten Dalen – Professor BI Norwegian Business School
Eline Aas – Førsteamanuensis University of Oslo
Pilar Martin-Vivaldi – Market Access Manager Bristol Myers Squibb
Petter Foss – Oncology Region Europe Disease Area Access Director Novartis
Mathyn Vervaart – Doktorgradsstipendiat Universitetet i Oslo, Helseøkonom Legemiddelverket
Programme highlights
13:30-14:20 Adrian Towse – keynote
14:30-15:00 A Norwegian perspective, professor Dag Morten Dalen
15:10-15:45 Panel discussion with members from Norwegian Medicines Agency, Industry expert Regulatory science & Health Economics, University of Oslo, Hospital management representative, from scientific department