The events:

8th Dec: Nordic-Baltic HTA Forum – what’s happening nationally, regionally and in EU?
What collaboration exists between the Nordic-Baltic countries and authorities today and what are the needs for tomorrow? Get the authority perspective on the do’s and don’ts for Scientific advice – who to talk to, when and why. Read more here.

25th Nov: Nordic-Baltic Regulatory Forum – Drug development a collaborative affair?
How does Health Technology Assessments (HTA) work in each of the Nordic-Baltic countries? What collaboration exists between countries and authorities today? Get the latest updates regarding EU vs Regional vs National level decisions and ongoing initiatives. Read more here.
Nordic Medicines Sustainability Forum 2021
The Nordic medicines Sustainability Forum 2021 brings together all Nordic players in the pharmaceutical industry to discuss current environmental impacts. The program of the event covers stages of the drug life cycle, from manufacturing to patient and drug disposal. Speakers are leading experts in the field from Nordic countries. You will learn about measuring the environmental impact of medicines and hear practical case examples of implementing environmental projects as part of your company’s day-to-day operations. When? 24.11.2021 Where? Live event! Arranged by Lääketietokeskus. Read more here.
Introduction to advanced therapies – ATMP
What do you know about ATMP? Equip yourself for the future – learn the basics about Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP). Join in and take health care into the future! This online course is free and takes about 15 minutes to complete. Arranged by Läkemedelsakademin. Read more here.

Drug Development- 3 day course
18-20 May 2021. Drug Development- 3 day course, now with a more prominent Nordic perspective, traditional or online, arranged by Läkemedelsakademin.

The 4th Nordic Real World Evidence Conference can be streamed here until February 11th 2021.

ATMP – how do we assess risks and opportunities?
23rd Feb. Evening Seminar in Zoom, in Swedish. Listen to senior experts from Swedish Medical Products Agency, LIF and Health Care representatives working in assessing and recommending therapies. The seminar is free of charge. From the ATMP Sweden national network:

Nordic Regulatory Affairs Seminar 2020 was held on September 3rd 2020 in Finland, and was also streamed. Read more about the seminar her.
The Nordic life science industry is booming and medical developments have never been this rapid. Nonetheless, in small countries like the Nordics, educational resources may not always be easy for the life science community to access. Now, five Nordic life science organisations from Sweden, Finland and Norway have joined forces to improve learning across borders.
“Each of us are small countries, through this collaboration we can provide more high-quality learning opportunities for Life Science professionals and for a broader Nordic-Baltic target group, instead of reinventing the wheel,” says Hanna Rickberg, Head of Education at the Swedish Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
As part of the Nordplus Horizontal programme, educational events, training workshops and practical courses directed towards the life science industry will be made available online. The life science professionals can participate via a live video stream or pre-recorded material, making learning accessible to those on-site or on remote locations and in other countries.
The five partners in the project are:
- Swedish Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Läkemedelsakademin)
- LIF – the Research Based Pharmaceutical Industry in Sweden (Läkemedelsindustriföreningen)
- Pharmaceutical Information Centre in Finland (PIC)
- The Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Norway (LMI – Legemiddelsindustrin)
- Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator
“Life science is a global business and cross-border collaboration is important, in particular for small countries in the Nordics,” says Bjørn Klem, general manager at Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator.
The project has received support from Nordplus to facilitate the sharing of educational resources across national borders in the Nordics. This will act as an innovation boost to the Nordic life science environments.
“We are intrigued by the opportunity to explore how we can establish synergies across the Nordic markets when it comes to meeting educational needs within the Life Science sector. The underlying assumption is that the needs are similar. Networking for future collaboration may present as a secondary benefit,” says Dag Larsson, Senior Policy Manager, LIF – the Research Based Pharma Industry in Sweden.
Nordic cooperation will be paramount to make the most of medical advances and to make personalized medicine a reality.
“We see Nordic cooperation as an essential value to the medical development that is now taking place with both personalised medicine and building a life science industry across the Nordic countries,” says Marie Svendsen Aase, communications advisor Legemiddelindustrien (LMI).
The project will run until 31 May 2022 and the five partners will share their courses via their websites and social media channels.
“Nordplus collaboration provides us an excellent opportunity to expand our training services to the Nordic market and to share knowledge with the other partners,“ says Anja Isoaho, Training Manager at Pharmaceutical Information Centre (Finland).
The first activity in the project was the Real World Evidence conference that took place 11th of February.
You can stream the conference for free here.